This is Sibuya street with 109 Building
Sweet Potato ball Counter in one of the subway station in Tokyo. The potato balls are delicious ! yummy!
haha.. we approached this sales manager of a shop in 109 building in Shibuya. They artifically baked themselves , put on thick silver -based make up with brown-dyed hair..There are alot of such baked ladies in the 109 building stores, but we picked her cos me and my bf feel that she's the hottest babe! haha..Quite cool !

High School With thick make up and dyed hair. These school girls look equally attractive and HOT in their school uniform. How abt those in their home clothes? check the photo above!

Typical High School girls with short skirts

The treadiest street in Japan-Shibuya! Alot of fanciful dressing young teenagers and school girls!

Night clubs in Shibuya. you may pick any chicks or hunks from the poster board.Jus needa pay 6000 yen for their service. hee..

Complicated Tokyo Subway line. The subway line is crazy alot, operated by diff companies at the same station, it;s the greatest hurdle for my bf. Luckily , he;s fluent in japanese,(have to enquire at the station control all the time) else we'l never reach our destinations on time.

Cardboard houses along the street of Tokyo

Poor homeless elderly lying in the Tokyo Subway Station.During winter , alot of them will be freeze to death. Sad to say.. the income gap in Tokyo is tremedous. The richest own a helicopter with landing grass patch at home while alot of elderly are homeless.