Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mt Fuji Zoo

Animals that you see in cartoon? hee
The monkies are really unfriendly!

My bf feeding the baby kangaroos. it;s was drizzling, that's why he 's in rain coat!
Greedy herd of lamps fighting for food!
Time to feed the camels! These camels stink like crap!hee

Lions surrounding our bus waiting to be fed
Haha.. the lion was getting impatient as i put the meat out of it;s reach!I was delaying cos i was for my bf to capture a photo of me with & the lion!I was quite terrified actually even though we are separated by a cage! hee..
Haha.. me feeding the hungry bears!
Sign to be strictly obeyed! Else you will be attacked by the animals in the wild!
These are the food given by the zookepper to feed the animals!
The red meat in the blue container is to feed lions, papayas for bears and peanuts in the cup for camels!
ABove is Tiger Cage bus
This is Rhino Bus in the Zoo. We will be caged in the bus while the animals wilb in the wild! it;s like Jurassic Park!

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